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“New from In Her Right Mind Publishing:

Lots of men (and managers) want to know more about the menopause, realising it is so much more than hot flushes and night sweats. Are you concerned about changes you see with your wife/partner/colleague/team member? Have you read the statistics about increased divorce rates, impact on mental health, workplace perforamance? Are you keen to navigate this transition with your relationship, reputation and bodily parts intact?

Could it be Your HORMONES Love?

(and other questions not to ask a menopausal woman)

This book is especially for you!
It will give you a better understanding of what’s going on, why it matters and how it can impact life as you know it. Most importantly, it will help you have really useful conversations that show that you care and that mean your head isn’t ripped off after a clumsy (but well-intended) question.
With over 30 years’ experience of helping thousands of people have crucial conversations, this down to earth, straightforward book from Andrea Newton will be useful to anyone who wants to offer support in a way that is helpful and appreciated. It examines the impact that this life stage can have on relationships, careers and life in general, helping you and the woman you care about move forward together with knowledge and positivity.  


To help your managers be better informed and aware, able to support their team appropriately, please scroll down to learn more about our “Menopause for Managers Masterclass”

Get Your Copy on Amazon Today (click the picture)

If you would like to invite Andrea to speak in your organisation about this subject, drop her an email by clicking HERE.

Important Resources for You:

Get The Course (click for more):